Ellena Fiesta


Ihre Stimme für die eVent-Hitparade.
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The story about theirs prickly way through the life. Change of the combination from the high and low tricks, same like upward and downfall in real life. He carry he?s beloved on his hands; she look very brittle and in the same time she very flexible. Thanks only the great love, they going through all this to the triumphant ending.
This combination created attitude, by looking on it , delighting will don?t let you go.
Let you amaze from real love story from Ellena & Ingo .

Die Größten Erfolge/Ausszeichnungen:
- Master Sport in Akrobatik (Partner Akrobatik, Duo, Trio, Spring Akrobatik)

- Internationale Auftritte z. b.:

Maskow Stadt Circus, Circus Wielky (Polen), Gro?e Stadt Circus "Sant Petersburg" in Latin Amerika (turne in Chili, Peru, Ekuador)

- Mehrere Engagements in der Schweiz (Circus Connely, Connyland...Valentinas Variet?...Gala Auftritt bei Subaru Autohaus)

- Alle Deutsche Variet?: GOP Theater (Essen, Bad Oeynhausen, M?nster...)

- Star Club Variet? (Kassel, Fulda),

- Hansa Theater (Hamburg),

- Altes Theater und so weiter...

Gala Auftritte: BMW, Mercedes Benz, ....Vanessa May Show Produktion, Gerry Weber Show, ...uns so weiter;)

Both of us have been trained at the Circus School (Ellena in Kiev and Ingo - Berlin) and afterwards internationally been active as Equilibrists/Aerialists in different countries (Germany, Switzerland, Italy, England, South Korea, Latin America, Malta, Miami, Mexico, Canada ....and so on).


- Starclub Variety (Kassel, Fulda);

- G.O.P. Variety & Theater (Essen, Hanover, Bad Oyenhausen);

- Luna Variety & Theater (Dortmund);

- Apollo Variety ( D?sseldorf);

- Variety Palast Speyer ( Speyer);

- Pegasus Variety (Bensheim);

- Dasdie Variety (Erfurt & Zeietz)

- Circus Roncaly .............and so on;